April 28, 2023

How to re-fuel after a run

Whether you’re running on the treadmill or outdoors, your body has been working seriously hard, so it needs to be replenished. Here are 5 easy, quick and dietician approved recipes you should whip up after your run:

1. Choc PB Breakfast Thickshake

If you’re a fan of thick and creamy smoothies, look no further than this recipe. With only 6 ingredients you’ll have yourself an epic post run feed that’s ready in under 10 minutes. This recipe is particularly perfect for those warmer days as it uses ice and frozen banana. It’s perfect if you’re a sweet tooth or need something to enjoy if you’re on the go.

2. Savoury Breakfast Bagel

This insanely good bagel recipe can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch of dinner, so no matter what time of the day you like to run, you know you have a nutritious and filling meal waiting for you. Although this recipe calls for a fried egg, you can easily swap this for a hard boiled one which makes it easy to assemble anywhere (including your work office). This bagel also calls for smoked salmon, however if salmon is not your vibe, simply sub it out for another egg! This is such a simple but delicious combo that’s packed with healthy fats, protein and carbs. 

3. Pesto Eggs

With only 4 ingredients, you’ve got yourself a delicious, flavoursome and effective post treadmill run meal! It’s so easy to whip up. Choose to use store bought or homemade pesto, there’s no right or wrong, it all comes down to what is easiest for you. 

4. Chicken Rainbow Wrap

This a jam packed wrap which is FULL of the good stuff. It’s packed full of veggies including spinach, beetroot and corn but the best thing about this recipe is that you can use whatever veggies you love and that you’ve got on hand (you can just use the recipe as a guide). The chicken breast is an incredible source of lean protein which is going to help support your muscle recovery and growth post run. 

5. Open Tuna Sandwich

This is a seriously simple but effective post run meal. Top your seeded bread with tuna, tomato, lettuce, avocado and some lemon juice, salt and pepper and there you have it! This recipe ticks those essential post run requirements as it features complex carbohydrates and protein. 

You’ll find all of these recipes plus more post run inspiration when you sign up to KIC! 

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